Handheld 3D Scanning Into Interactive 3D Virtual Meetings with DotProduct and iQ3Connect

Can’t be in two places at once – or can we? As we continue to drive the cost of 3D data acquisition down and the ease of use up, we are increasingly asked for ways to collaborate with other team members or colleagues using the captured 3D data while still in the field or otherwise at separate locations. This live workflow webinar shows how to accomplish this using Dot3D Pro and iQ3Connect.
This webinar demonstrates how to rapidly and accurately 3D scan a simulated crime scene (full room) with Dot3D Pro and immediately publish to a fully immersive and interactive virtual shared meeting space with iQ3Connect. Highlights include live 3D capture from Dot3D Pro on a Windows tablet, rapid post-processing and upload into the iQ3Connect cloud-based VR collaboration platform, launch of a live shared meeting space for immersive viewing of the scan data, and live demonstration of interactive iQ3Connect functionality, including virtual walkthroughs, measurement, annotation, attachments, and more. Billy Bush of Air Insight Consulting also joins live from Portland, Oregon to enter the virtual space, walk through the scene that was just captured, and offer particular expertise and insight into the use of these technologies for crime scene documentation.
Chris Ahern, Marketing, Sales & Product Manager, DotProduct LLC – Boston, MA
Ali Merchant, Founder & CEO, iQ3Connect Inc. – Woburn, MA
Billy Bush, Principal with Air Insight Consulting Inc. – Portland, OR

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